Electric and magnetic fields (EMF) are produced by the use of electric and magnetic devices,including the generation, transmission, and application of electricity. Electric power system frequencies (50/60 Hz) are at the lower end of the range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation and are sometimes referred to as extremely low frequencies (ELFs). Although considering the electric and magnetic forces together and collectively calling the electromagnetic fields is common, in the ELF’ range, the forces are two separate entities, both of which have unique interactions with the surrounding environment.
The environmental effects of substation and power transmission lines have been under investigation for decades. Until recently, the research focused on efforts to protect the physical environment of the easement used for transmission of power. In recent years, interest and concern about the potential health effects on biota (especially human) from exposure to EMFs has increased significantly because certain epidemiologic studies suggest a statistical association between exposure to EMFs.The effects of EMF on the safety and performance of these systems and on the safety of these activities are of concern to the affected parties and cannot be ignored.
MISI Consulting offer a computer modelling of the high voltage installations for EMF analysis to evaluate its compliance with the relevant EMF standards such as the ICNIRP and ARPANSA guidelines.